This update includes a myriad of updates to the user interface, some small content updates, and an overhaul to the monster respawn module.
User Interface Updates
- If a user’s client disconnects from the server, it will redirect them back to login more often now.
- Added a link to contact an admin during the tutorial.
- The room description text size has been increased.
- When debuffs afflict an enemy, it will be indicated as such via the chat output to the player causing the debuff.
- The “heal” action button within a temple will now display about how much it will cost to heal when hovering over it.
- Banks will now display both your gold deposited and your gold in inventory.
Note: Be sure to clear your cache to see new User Interface Updates. Learn how to do so here.
Content Updates
- Guard Phillip now “examines” your Commendation on exiting the Military Academy.
- Fixed some room description text that said “north” but should say “south”.
- Added some [Tutorial] text to some quest descriptions to help players understand how to move up and down within rooms.
Server Updates
- Updated the monster respawn module to be more reliable.
- Hopefully this fixes the multiple spawns of the same monster.